Sunday 5 April 2015

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

So it was my son's ninth birthday, back on April first, and he had his party on April fourth. 
For his birthday party, we needed a cake, obviously. And I wanted to make it myself, instead of going and getting a store made cake. I was scrolling through Pinterest one day, and happened to spot a post showing how to make an ice cream sandwich cake, but it was just pictures, with no instructions, and it didn't have a link to an actual site with directions, so I looked at those pictures, and came up with the following cake. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Halloween Bats Craft

Here's an easy craft to make with the kids to help make your home more Halloweeny. They're fun, and a little messy, but messy is part of the fun, right?

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Yarn Octopus

Hi everyone! See? I told you I would be posting a new post soon, and here I am! Aren't you glad to see me?

Today I'm going to show you how I made this cute Yarn Octopus the the little prince that lives next door.

Monday 2 April 2012

Crayon Art - How To

So I realized after reading my last post that all I said about how to make the crayon art was that I had looked it up and figured it would be easy. That really isn't much help for anyone reading this blog, because, ok, so I know how, but you may not!

So I decided to make this post. A "Crayon Art - How To" for those of you who don't know how these are made.

Friday 30 March 2012

Crayon Art

Here's the thing.
I can't draw.
At all.
In fact, my 6 year old son can draw better stick people than I can. No, I'm not kidding, believe me, I wish I was.
So when it comes to expressing myself via art work, I've been greatly lacking in ways to do so that made me happy. I would try to draw, or paint or whatever, and would get insanely frustrated when things didn't end up looking anything like what they looked like in my mind, so I stopped trying those types of things. I stopped trying to make things look like things. I embraced the abstract.
So when I first saw a melted crayon art piece, I was thrilled! That kind of thing was perfect for me!
I did a bit of googling, and found out that it was a really easy thing to do, and so set out to get the supplies I would need to create my own.